As you can see in the time stamp, the hour is drawing late...soon the clock in the entry will chime 11 times. The whole family, including the grandparents, are still up, still waiting for the cousins from Idaho to arrive.
It's been a busy day of preparation. Fixing beds. Mixing muffin batter to have ready for 22 hungry tummies is the morning. Baking birthday cakes for a little one turning five in the morning. Answering the age old much longer 'til they get here, Mom?
We have just three short days to satisfy our family fix! Every moment counts when the cousins are coming. There's tea to drink and stories to share, games to play and movies to watch. Lots of talk and loads of laughter.
Hurry, hurry....we're waiting for you to come!
Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Am I Ready?
The count down to Christmas has begun in earnest, it's just 7 sleeps away!!!! Tomorrow the Grandparents arrive, which will herald the beginning of our festivities.
Not that we haven't been celebrating already. We've decorated and begun baking, hosted a couple of parties, watched the Sunday School program with our adorable Ladybird and Moonchild participating, and made a few forays to town for shopping. I haven't done all that I wanted to do. I didn't make my photo pages to send out to family...yet, maybe they'll go our for New Year's. There is more baking to do and packages to wrap.
But I'm ready for the pace to slow. I want to savor the days shared with parents. I want to anticipate the arrival of my brother and his family coming to welcome the New Year with us. I want to enjoy the lights on the tree, the abundance of music in my home, cuddle up and read our Christmas books (now out of storage) with any children who want to join me.
I enjoy preparing Christmas for my family...but I love celebrating it with them even more!
Ending The First Term
I neglected to post a "first day of school" photo for my Lavender Girl!!!!! So to make up for it I'll put up this "last day of the first term" instead. My girl who went off to school dragging her feet is now completely sold on higher education and talking of graduate school. Her Dad knew what he was doing!!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Golden Autumn
We've had many a rainy day so far this season, but for a few brief days this week we've seen golden rays shining over the valley below.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Another Vibrant Start Of Day
Praise of Created Things
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi
Be thou praised, my Lord, with all Thy creatures,
Above all, Brother Sun, who gives the day and lightens us therewith.
And he is beautiful and radiant with great splendor,
Of Thee, Most High, he bears similitude.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Ladybird Turns 12!
The Birthday Child
by Rose Fyleman
Every thing's been different
All the day long,
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn't it delicious
To be a birthday child?
by Rose Fyleman
Every thing's been different
All the day long,
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn't it delicious
To be a birthday child?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My Family, My Friends
A little weekend getaway to Leavenworth, WA. The perfect way to enjoy some of my favorite people....mother, sisters, cousins, nieces, and an adorable nephew. We shopped, we dined, we talked, and strolled leisurely by the river. We relaxed and caught up on each others lives. Life is rich!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Musings of the Moonchild
"If all the world was fighting over the last watermelon...I wonder who would get it?"
I know who she hopes would get it! And I'm sure she would like to have the last one all to herself.
I know who she hopes would get it! And I'm sure she would like to have the last one all to herself.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
1st Day of School
The day arrived and I must admit that I wasn't feeling nearly as enthusiastic about beginning school as I was last week at this time. I was quite reluctant to give up what remains of the the lazy days of summer. But I'd promised we would start today, so start we must or I'd have some very disappointed little girls on hand.
All in all it was a good start. The day flowed smoothly, we enjoyed the routine, and we finished everything on time! We enjoyed having new books to savor and new thoughts to ponder. The new school year is looking very promising.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
All in all it was a good start. The day flowed smoothly, we enjoyed the routine, and we finished everything on time! We enjoyed having new books to savor and new thoughts to ponder. The new school year is looking very promising.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
One Week To Go
The new school year is very quickly approaching.
Are we ready???? Maybe not physically...I haven't bought new paper or pencils, or organized my teacher manuals, or copied schedules for the kiddos....but mentally YES. We are ready for that blessed routine to infiltrate our existence once again. We are ready to wake each morning and know what's before us. Bible time, history, math, and new language arts and science to explore.
I'm excited to have a fresh start. The past two years were disjointed with moves and house building. Now we are home at last. Feeling settled and comfortable even if not completely unpacked.
School sounds just right.
Are we ready???? Maybe not physically...I haven't bought new paper or pencils, or organized my teacher manuals, or copied schedules for the kiddos....but mentally YES. We are ready for that blessed routine to infiltrate our existence once again. We are ready to wake each morning and know what's before us. Bible time, history, math, and new language arts and science to explore.
I'm excited to have a fresh start. The past two years were disjointed with moves and house building. Now we are home at last. Feeling settled and comfortable even if not completely unpacked.
School sounds just right.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Introducing Chesterton
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Reunion Weekend
It was different than anticipated this year. I've never spent our reunion weekend like this before. We arrived Wednesday evening after a long and pleasant drive through the gorge. And we were greeted exuberantly by the early arrivers. Over the next few days more family trickled in to the Qualls' Nest. Friday I waited and worried as my two teens drove themselves to the gathering from home. Finally around noon they were there and I could relax, enjoy the rest of the weekend, laugh with my sisters, love on the new little ones in our clan.
Or so I thought........
I'd changed to go down for a swim when my Autumn Rain came looking for me. "Mom, I think M needs help." I found her upstairs shaking and incoherent, in obvious need of help. We hauled her downstairs and out to the car for the scariest ride of my life. I really thought we were loosing her. I prayed and willed her to hang on until we arrived at the hospital twenty minutes away. The staff at this little country hospital are my heroes. What a relief to hand my young charge over to their care. They knew what to do, what tests to begin, and knew that she needed more care than they had to offer. So into the ambulance we went and off to a bigger hospital with a pediatric care unit.
For two days I played "mom" to my niece as we waited for her own mom to arrive. It's an uncomfortable place to be in, making decisions for someone else's child. I just had to do what I would do for my own. She's being treated for Meningoencephalitis, but the cause is still unknown. She's still in the hospital 6 days later waiting to be strong enough to travel home to Iowa.
So the weekend was different, but I'm glad I was there for my niece. I know she won't look back on the time with fondness, but it will alway be a special memory for me. No, I don't have pictures to share this year. But I have a beautiful niece who is getting well!
Or so I thought........
I'd changed to go down for a swim when my Autumn Rain came looking for me. "Mom, I think M needs help." I found her upstairs shaking and incoherent, in obvious need of help. We hauled her downstairs and out to the car for the scariest ride of my life. I really thought we were loosing her. I prayed and willed her to hang on until we arrived at the hospital twenty minutes away. The staff at this little country hospital are my heroes. What a relief to hand my young charge over to their care. They knew what to do, what tests to begin, and knew that she needed more care than they had to offer. So into the ambulance we went and off to a bigger hospital with a pediatric care unit.
For two days I played "mom" to my niece as we waited for her own mom to arrive. It's an uncomfortable place to be in, making decisions for someone else's child. I just had to do what I would do for my own. She's being treated for Meningoencephalitis, but the cause is still unknown. She's still in the hospital 6 days later waiting to be strong enough to travel home to Iowa.
So the weekend was different, but I'm glad I was there for my niece. I know she won't look back on the time with fondness, but it will alway be a special memory for me. No, I don't have pictures to share this year. But I have a beautiful niece who is getting well!
Monday, July 16, 2007
My World
The days have busy in my world....
A week of VBS for several of us.
A mission trip to CA for Lavender Girl and Techno Son.
A visiting cousin!!!!!
A trip to WA with the big girls to see the Mama Cousin and baby.
A visit to DMV with Techno Son who is now sporting his license!!!!! YIKES
And now we are madly washing laundry in preparation for our annual trip to the clan reunion and many, many cousins to hug on, read with, show off license pictures to, swim with, picnic with, stay up late and talk's going to be a grand weekend.
I'll be back with a fresh supply of pictures next week.
A week of VBS for several of us.
A mission trip to CA for Lavender Girl and Techno Son.
A visiting cousin!!!!!
A trip to WA with the big girls to see the Mama Cousin and baby.
A visit to DMV with Techno Son who is now sporting his license!!!!! YIKES
And now we are madly washing laundry in preparation for our annual trip to the clan reunion and many, many cousins to hug on, read with, show off license pictures to, swim with, picnic with, stay up late and talk's going to be a grand weekend.
I'll be back with a fresh supply of pictures next week.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Continents Collide
A history party was the perfect way to wrap up our school year! What could be better than a gathering of good friends, a medieval feast, and an opportunity to share what's been learned in history this year?
Here are a few of our favourite characters:
Queen Hatshepsut meets Queen Sharazhad
Courtly Musicians
Let the show begin!
A round of applause for our entertainers, please.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Welcoming Summer
They Come! The Merry Summer Months.
They come! the merry summer months of beauty, song, and flower;
They come! the gladsome months that bring thick leafiness to bowers.
Up, up, my heart! and walk abroad; fling cark and care aside;
Seek silent hills, or rest thyself where peaceful waters glide;
Or, underneath the shadow vast of patriarchal tree,
Scan through its leaves the cloudless sky in rapt tranquility.
The grass is soft, its velvet touch is grateful to the hand;
And, like the kiss of maiden love, the breeze is sweet and bland;
The daisy and the buttercup are nodding courteously;
It stirs their blood with kindest love, to bless and welcome thee;
And mark how with thine own thin locks--they now are silvery gray--
That blissful breeze is wantoning, and whispering, "Be gay!"
Good Lord! it is a gracious boon for thought crazed wight like me,
To smell again these summer flowers beneath this summer tree!
To suck once more in every breath their little souls away,
And feed my fancy with fond dreams of youth's bright summer day,
When, rushing forth like untamed colt, the reckless, truant boy
Wandered through greenwoods all day long, a mighty heart of joy!
William Motherwell
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Ode to B
Hard working and diligent
Calm and thoughtful
A loyal friend
Where trouble, tribulations, and dark clouds may form
B is far from them, sailing on calm seas
Fingers dancing across the piano keys
Studying diligently all day
Knitting, crocheting, sewing, reading
Baking great treasures
Spending time with her brothers and sisters
Daydreaming in the garden
Growing beautiful flowers,
Being there with her mom
Helping to keep the house in order
Making “Bethany’s” at Althea’s Tea house
Pat’s right hand
Inventing her wedding day
Her prince charming, and a baby
Calm and thoughtful
A loyal friend
Where trouble, tribulations, and dark clouds may form
B is far from them, sailing on calm seas
Fingers dancing across the piano keys
Studying diligently all day
Knitting, crocheting, sewing, reading
Baking great treasures
Spending time with her brothers and sisters
Daydreaming in the garden
Growing beautiful flowers,
Being there with her mom
Helping to keep the house in order
Making “Bethany’s” at Althea’s Tea house
Pat’s right hand
Inventing her wedding day
Her prince charming, and a baby
A Word From Dad
A Model Citizen
Today we celebrate this momentous occasion in the life of one B, Daughter of ours, and the product of 13 years of teaching by Lori. So, I give credit to Lori for her 13 years of great teaching.
B is another product of the "G educational system" that is slowly taking over the far right wing of the Republican party. B identifies with that radical fringe of the conservative population that is infiltrating the highest ranks of government and insidiously permeating the minds of the liberal left, thwarting the diabolical plots of those scheming judicial activists, and promoting diligently the suffrage movement in Polk County. Go B !
Speaking of Polk County, as I thought about what I would say today, at B ’s graduation, my mind focused on that would we would all agree is of utmost importance – that is the process of building a strong, happy, healthy society. I think that the best contribution that one can make to society is not in the high profile work of a political figure or activist, but in the quiet daily life of a contented soul, who is at rest and at peace with God, family, friends and her neighbors. This person who, on balance, runs an emotional surplus (we all have our days) and who has the capacity to reach out and touch other peoples lives who, in turn, are able to reach out and touch even more lives, and so on. This nuclear explosion, if you will, of kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control creates true and long-lasting societal, cross cultural and most multi-generational change in our society.
Our responsibility, then, is to create the framework that provides for this strong sense of purpose and contentedness. This contentedness allows one to be both a leader and a follower, a teacher and a student, a worker and a manager, a mother or a career person.
Enter B , who is very content in the garden, at the piano, and with her family, and would like nothing more than to continue on in the tradition of her mom and get married and raise a happy, healthy family. Even so, another four years of school is beckoning her on – four more years to prepare her for her calling, so that she has just that much more to give. We wish B God’s greatest blessing on her during these next years, as she continues to prepare herself for life’s greatest calling.
So B, nice work! You’ve been an outstanding student, a great help to you mom, and a loving and giving sister to your brothers and sisters. Congratulations on your graduation, and may God richly bless you in life’s journey. We all look forward to enjoying that journey with you.
Today we celebrate this momentous occasion in the life of one B, Daughter of ours, and the product of 13 years of teaching by Lori. So, I give credit to Lori for her 13 years of great teaching.
B is another product of the "G educational system" that is slowly taking over the far right wing of the Republican party. B identifies with that radical fringe of the conservative population that is infiltrating the highest ranks of government and insidiously permeating the minds of the liberal left, thwarting the diabolical plots of those scheming judicial activists, and promoting diligently the suffrage movement in Polk County. Go B !
Speaking of Polk County, as I thought about what I would say today, at B ’s graduation, my mind focused on that would we would all agree is of utmost importance – that is the process of building a strong, happy, healthy society. I think that the best contribution that one can make to society is not in the high profile work of a political figure or activist, but in the quiet daily life of a contented soul, who is at rest and at peace with God, family, friends and her neighbors. This person who, on balance, runs an emotional surplus (we all have our days) and who has the capacity to reach out and touch other peoples lives who, in turn, are able to reach out and touch even more lives, and so on. This nuclear explosion, if you will, of kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control creates true and long-lasting societal, cross cultural and most multi-generational change in our society.
Our responsibility, then, is to create the framework that provides for this strong sense of purpose and contentedness. This contentedness allows one to be both a leader and a follower, a teacher and a student, a worker and a manager, a mother or a career person.
Enter B , who is very content in the garden, at the piano, and with her family, and would like nothing more than to continue on in the tradition of her mom and get married and raise a happy, healthy family. Even so, another four years of school is beckoning her on – four more years to prepare her for her calling, so that she has just that much more to give. We wish B God’s greatest blessing on her during these next years, as she continues to prepare herself for life’s greatest calling.
So B, nice work! You’ve been an outstanding student, a great help to you mom, and a loving and giving sister to your brothers and sisters. Congratulations on your graduation, and may God richly bless you in life’s journey. We all look forward to enjoying that journey with you.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Congratulations, Lavender Girl
Graduation Day has come in the blink of an eye. It hardly seems possible that 13 years have gone past since we began this journey together.
When I reflect back on the years of your education the words that most come to mind are CREATIVE and BEAUTIFUL. Whether you’ve been refining you music, or writing a character sketch, or working on a piece of handwork you’ve created something of beauty, something worth keeping and you’re not afraid to invest time and energy into the project.
Today is an exciting turning point in your life, the end of one chapter and the whole rest of the book lies ahead yet to be discovered. There are many wonderful opportunities to be explored and plenty of time to narrow the choices. I know that whatever you set your hand and mind to doing you will do with all that is in you.
Come September I’m going to need to grow a new right hand! The selfish part of me would love to keep you at home forever. It’s been a joy teaching you and now you’re ready for a new challenge.
With all my love,
When I reflect back on the years of your education the words that most come to mind are CREATIVE and BEAUTIFUL. Whether you’ve been refining you music, or writing a character sketch, or working on a piece of handwork you’ve created something of beauty, something worth keeping and you’re not afraid to invest time and energy into the project.
Today is an exciting turning point in your life, the end of one chapter and the whole rest of the book lies ahead yet to be discovered. There are many wonderful opportunities to be explored and plenty of time to narrow the choices. I know that whatever you set your hand and mind to doing you will do with all that is in you.
Come September I’m going to need to grow a new right hand! The selfish part of me would love to keep you at home forever. It’s been a joy teaching you and now you’re ready for a new challenge.
With all my love,
Monday, June 04, 2007
On Our Horizon
The home stretch has come 'round once again. One last week to count of this 2006-07 school year. We've really been winding down all the past month, finishing a book here and a book there or deciding to abandon certain others in lieu of more pressing activities.
Looming in the forefront of all is Lavender Girl's upcoming graduation. Oh, but that makes it sound like an unpleasant task and I don't mean that at all! I'm very pleased and excited to graduate my dear girl next in line. But there is a lot to be done before this grand event and not very much time remaining. And, of course, there is nervousness to battle on both our parts.
Meanwhile we've had Sunday School promotion. Ladybird and Moonchild performed in a musical presentation of "Jonah". Lavender Girl traveled to Iowa and back for her cousin's graduation. And we're still unpacking boxes or shuffling them around to better places in the garage.
I have to keep reminding myself to, "Just do the next thing!"
Looming in the forefront of all is Lavender Girl's upcoming graduation. Oh, but that makes it sound like an unpleasant task and I don't mean that at all! I'm very pleased and excited to graduate my dear girl next in line. But there is a lot to be done before this grand event and not very much time remaining. And, of course, there is nervousness to battle on both our parts.
Meanwhile we've had Sunday School promotion. Ladybird and Moonchild performed in a musical presentation of "Jonah". Lavender Girl traveled to Iowa and back for her cousin's graduation. And we're still unpacking boxes or shuffling them around to better places in the garage.
I have to keep reminding myself to, "Just do the next thing!"
Friday, May 25, 2007
Babes In The Woods
Ladybird and Moonchild have discovered some hidden treasures.
They've been diligently watching a nest full of eggs and
yesterday were rewarded with this find.
Then today they found this nest with more
little ones that they've dubbed the "tween-agers".
We are loving country living and all the delights that come with it!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Clan Q and Clan G Happenings
Clan Q is continuing to blossom this year......the cousin count on the rise once again.
This week my brother is in Ethiopia picking up his newest daughter. Please be praying for their safe journey back to their family at the end of the week.
And both my nieces are expecting little ones in December. Remember that post back in January of my great-niece? Well, she's going to be a big sister....just 11 months apart.
In Clan G a new little cousin will be arriving sometime in July.
Guess I'll need to be redoing that cousin tally!!!!!
This week my brother is in Ethiopia picking up his newest daughter. Please be praying for their safe journey back to their family at the end of the week.
And both my nieces are expecting little ones in December. Remember that post back in January of my great-niece? Well, she's going to be a big sister....just 11 months apart.
In Clan G a new little cousin will be arriving sometime in July.
Guess I'll need to be redoing that cousin tally!!!!!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Misty Morning
This is what I fell in love with when we first looked at this piece of property and is what I look upon when waking each morning. Serenity... a very good way to start each day. This morning a doe was grazing peacefully outside my bedroom window.
My Moonchild is in heaven, she is outside every minute possible. She exclaimed the other evening, "Every day I discover something new! A nest with a new egg each day. A frog. A snake. Wildflowers." She has plans for starting a nature journal, just like "The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady".
We've finished bringing belongings over from the rental house, it's clean and ready for the keys to be turned in tomorrow. Now we can feel officially moved. There is still a mountain of unpacking to do. But not today. I'm going to enjoy Mother's Day in my new home.
Monday, May 07, 2007
We're Home
Home is a beautiful place to be. It feels so good to say that!
It doesn't matter that the beds aren't on frames and the kitchen boxes are scattered throughout the garage, we're here. And we are waking to the most incredible view possible. I took a lovely picture of the mist rolling through the valley below us that I want to share with you...but I don't know where the cord for my camera is. As soon as it's found I'll do that.
For now, I should head back to the garage and find some kitchen boxes to unload. I'd really like to make dinner tonight. I have to food, just no pans or untensils.
It doesn't matter that the beds aren't on frames and the kitchen boxes are scattered throughout the garage, we're here. And we are waking to the most incredible view possible. I took a lovely picture of the mist rolling through the valley below us that I want to share with you...but I don't know where the cord for my camera is. As soon as it's found I'll do that.
For now, I should head back to the garage and find some kitchen boxes to unload. I'd really like to make dinner tonight. I have to food, just no pans or untensils.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Just 4 More Sleeps!
We're counting down the few remaining days until we move home. What a long road this has been. From putting our previous home on the market in August of 2005, to packing and moving in December of the same year, living in a hotel for ten weeks, moving into our rental, building a house, and now we can really settle in.
All the inspections have passed. All the paper work has been signed. I even went over Sunday and put a few token books on the new shelves. That made my day. My husband says I'm nesting.
It's been a good transition, though not an easy one, a time to learn and grow . We've found our church home. The people here have been added to those we call family. They're coming to help us move on Saturday and we'll top off the day with a Cinco de Mayo feast in our new home. The friends are even providing the food. Maybe they'll help us set up beds before leaving so we can sleep and get to church bright and early Sunday morning.
If you don't hear from me for awhile you'll know where to find me, hidden behind a stack of boxes!
If you don't hear from me for awhile you'll know where to find me, hidden behind a stack of boxes!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Finishing Touches
Friday, April 20, 2007
Friday Musings
It's a bright, sunny Friday and that is glorious news. I was in sore need of a sunny day, regardless of how much I enjoy the rain. There's nothing like sunshine to lift me out of a gloomy outlook.
Of course, good news help too. News like....."I talked to the builder. He said he's scheduled the inspections and will be ready to sign off on the house next Friday." Now that does wonders to lift the gloom! I had begun to wonder if this building project would ever end. And now the end is in sight. We really are going to move into our new house. Maybe in April yet!
Other thoughts running through my head this Friday?
My Autumn Rain is heading off to a new adventure in a few minutes. I won't see her before she leaves as she's leaving straight from campus. She's off to present her philosophy paper at a conference. My girl who's never even prepared and given a speech. She's nervous...I'm nervous. But mine is for a different reason, I have no doubt she can present her paper with flying colors. I'm sending my daughter off with strangers, her professor and two other students attending the conference. A lone girl with these three! What were we thinking. I'm sure they are all honorable gentlemen, right? Father, protect my girl.
And my thoughts are on the next in line too. We're off to the park soon to have her senior pictures taken. One more graduation coming up. Another girl heading off to school. One less student in my little school. She has adventures ahead of her as well. We'll add new forms of conversation to our dinner table. To philosophy we'll add music theory! We'll all be so well rounded when we've finished and I'll have the college experience vicariously.
So, you see, there are many thoughts rumbling through my mind this fine Friday afternoon.
Of course, good news help too. News like....."I talked to the builder. He said he's scheduled the inspections and will be ready to sign off on the house next Friday." Now that does wonders to lift the gloom! I had begun to wonder if this building project would ever end. And now the end is in sight. We really are going to move into our new house. Maybe in April yet!
Other thoughts running through my head this Friday?
My Autumn Rain is heading off to a new adventure in a few minutes. I won't see her before she leaves as she's leaving straight from campus. She's off to present her philosophy paper at a conference. My girl who's never even prepared and given a speech. She's nervous...I'm nervous. But mine is for a different reason, I have no doubt she can present her paper with flying colors. I'm sending my daughter off with strangers, her professor and two other students attending the conference. A lone girl with these three! What were we thinking. I'm sure they are all honorable gentlemen, right? Father, protect my girl.
And my thoughts are on the next in line too. We're off to the park soon to have her senior pictures taken. One more graduation coming up. Another girl heading off to school. One less student in my little school. She has adventures ahead of her as well. We'll add new forms of conversation to our dinner table. To philosophy we'll add music theory! We'll all be so well rounded when we've finished and I'll have the college experience vicariously.
So, you see, there are many thoughts rumbling through my mind this fine Friday afternoon.
Monday, April 02, 2007
The Jabberwocky With Style
I have to admit, this is one skill I never anticipated acquiring in my "Learning Life"...the creating of a mohawk on my son's head! But for one day, April Fool's Day, I can humor my Jabberwocky and let him enjoy the moment of triumph with his buddy. This afternoon, after his buddy says goodbye....the hair will depart too.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Sweet 16
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Happy 19th Birthday, My Dear Autumn Rain!
It's been a lovely day of celebrating your life.
From start to finish.
From the trombone the cherry turnovers...
to lunch at the Thai dress shopping...
to birthday cake and presents...I so enjoy celebrating you!
From start to finish.
From the trombone the cherry turnovers...
to lunch at the Thai dress shopping...
to birthday cake and presents...I so enjoy celebrating you!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
So Many Reasons To Rejoice!
Rejoicing because:
My best friend will be home tonight!
It's the first day of spring.
It's sunny today.
My little girls have new friends to play with.
My new little nephews are home, safe and sound, from Ethiopia.
"This is the day that the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
Saturday, March 17, 2007
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