Tuesday, August 14, 2007

One Week To Go

The new school year is very quickly approaching.

Are we ready???? Maybe not physically...I haven't bought new paper or pencils, or organized my teacher manuals, or copied schedules for the kiddos....but mentally YES. We are ready for that blessed routine to infiltrate our existence once again. We are ready to wake each morning and know what's before us. Bible time, history, math, and new language arts and science to explore.

I'm excited to have a fresh start. The past two years were disjointed with moves and house building. Now we are home at last. Feeling settled and comfortable even if not completely unpacked.

School sounds just right.


Grab-a-cup! said...

I am so with you - home schooling in our new home too!!!Enjoy - All the new sights and sounds of the neighbourhood... Can't wait for the cool of fall to set in, even the pools here are warmer than my bath!!! Staying inside till 7pm and it has hardly cooled...Oh for the rain or snow!!! :) (the grass is always greener...) Reiny was talking about wanting to come and visit you all who knows when...But we are THINKING about it!!! Have a great week, Love Nicola

Lori said...

Please do come! You are welcome anytime.
Autumn sounds heavenly even though we've had a very mild summer. I like those crisp mornings that Autumn brings.