Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Clan Q and Clan G Happenings

Clan Q is continuing to blossom this year......the cousin count on the rise once again.

This week my brother is in Ethiopia picking up his newest daughter. Please be praying for their safe journey back to their family at the end of the week.

And both my nieces are expecting little ones in December. Remember that post back in January of my great-niece? Well, she's going to be a big sister....just 11 months apart.

In Clan G a new little cousin will be arriving sometime in July.

Guess I'll need to be redoing that cousin tally!!!!!


Grab-a-cup! said...

Wow! That's exciting news!!!!
For a minute I couldn't remember what G stood for and was curious as to if it meant you!!!!
Hugs Nicola

Lori said...

NO! This would be referring to the "extended" G in Shannon's brother and sister-in-law. This is their #6.