Monday, June 04, 2007

On Our Horizon

The home stretch has come 'round once again. One last week to count of this 2006-07 school year. We've really been winding down all the past month, finishing a book here and a book there or deciding to abandon certain others in lieu of more pressing activities.

Looming in the forefront of all is Lavender Girl's upcoming graduation. Oh, but that makes it sound like an unpleasant task and I don't mean that at all! I'm very pleased and excited to graduate my dear girl next in line. But there is a lot to be done before this grand event and not very much time remaining. And, of course, there is nervousness to battle on both our parts.

Meanwhile we've had Sunday School promotion. Ladybird and Moonchild performed in a musical presentation of "Jonah". Lavender Girl traveled to Iowa and back for her cousin's graduation. And we're still unpacking boxes or shuffling them around to better places in the garage.

I have to keep reminding myself to, "Just do the next thing!"


Anonymous said...

Hi Lori,

I wrote a lovgely LONG post and somehow lost it when I hit publish. Oh well.

I just read Lavendar Girl's recipe for flourless cake and it does sound yummy. I was bit confused because the first ingredient is 1 cup flour?

I read the ingredients because Elizabeth can't eat flour, dairy or eggs.

Grab-a-cup! said...

Keep going Lori - We are here cheering for you!!!
Are you going to hold the graduation at your new home?
My parents say thanks for the photo! You always manage to think of everyone!!! I don't know how you do it! Wishing I could be there, (again) :) Will be there in thought!
{Hugs} Love Nicola

Di said...

Thinking of you all and missing you.
