Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Waiting Game

As you can see in the time stamp, the hour is drawing late...soon the clock in the entry will chime 11 times. The whole family, including the grandparents, are still up, still waiting for the cousins from Idaho to arrive.

It's been a busy day of preparation. Fixing beds. Mixing muffin batter to have ready for 22 hungry tummies is the morning. Baking birthday cakes for a little one turning five in the morning. Answering the age old much longer 'til they get here, Mom?

We have just three short days to satisfy our family fix! Every moment counts when the cousins are coming. There's tea to drink and stories to share, games to play and movies to watch. Lots of talk and loads of laughter.

Hurry, hurry....we're waiting for you to come!

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