Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Silver Falls

Finding opportunities that our whole family is available to spend out together are becoming increasingly rare. In fact, in the course of this summer I think we will only all be home for about two weeks! But I'm beginning to realize that that doesn't mean those of us that are at home shouldn't find some stolen moments to enjoy time spent in our beautiful Oregon countryside.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Quiet Zone

Here I sit, all alone at my counter. Cameron is away on his senior retreat, Elaina and Faerynn are visiting much loved cousins in Washington, Shannon, Allison, and Bethany are all off to work, and Daniel and Chesterton are both still sleeping.

This house is sooooo still, just John Tesh on Pure Hymns keeping me company. It's a small glimpse into the days ahead. The days after the next three in line graduate. And I wonder what I'll do with my days then?

Yesterday I decided to take the afternoon off to do whatever I wanted. It was a loooonnng afternoon. I read a little, slept a little, watched a movie with Daniel, started a card game....then Allison and Ann-Marie arrived and we went to a riverside park in Salem for a leisurely walk. Guess what? I much prefer the busy days of caring for my family. I like the rhythm of my days.

Today I'll set to work trying to establish a new routine for the summer. I'll figure out when I'm going to do all those things I've been saying can wait until school was finished. I'll restore order after a busy few days of party and company. And I'll enjoy the quiet while I work.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Graduation Letter

Dear Cameron,

We've had a great journey together. A journey of learning, loving, and doing and you've traversed all of these well.

It's been a my great pleasure to watch you mature and persevere. You've pushed through to the completion of your Eagle Scout rank. You're leadership skills have grown through your involvement in the youth group worship team. And you've managed your school, job, and time with friends to the fullest.

I'm excited for you future! You've chosen a challenging path but I know that you are fully capable of accomplishing all that you set out to do. Never forget that you don't travel this road alone or in your own strength. You have a Savior greater than anything you will ever face.

All my love,

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Starfish DeLuxe

Moonchild has a passion for nature. She is happiest outside, whether in the woods or scavening at along the seashore. Yesterday she came across this terrific find which we all oohed and ahhed over before returning him to his home on the rocks.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Winding Down

Another school year is rapidly coming to a close. Once again, the stack of books is shrinking as each day we finish and set aside math or science or spelling. Testing day has come and gone and I sigh with relief that all my young charges are progressing.....did I really doubt they were? And another graduation from our small school hovers just on the horizon of June.

I'm relishing the freedom of summer.......... the lazy mornings, the opportunity for a bit more spontaneity, visits to and from our family, and more time for our friends close by. I'm ready for long, warm days and blackberry picking, for barbecuing and summer salads, and for twilight walks with my family.

I know that once I've set this school year aside I'll be ready to think of and plan for the next. I usually begin that process in the spring, but this year all my thinking and planning has gone into our new business and all that I've needed to learn to do my part. I know that in July we'll be excited for "box day" and all the learning treasures we'll unpack. And I know that come August we'll all be ready for the return of routine in our lives.

For now, I'm glad that the end of May is just 'round corner and the promise of summer not far behind.

Monday, May 04, 2009


Another Monday, another school week.

This stuff is exhausting.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

18 and New Wheels

Happy 18th to You!

Just for the record, this was not a gift....unless it was a gift to himself!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome Spring

I know you're out there, come on in, you know you're always welcome here.

The bitter cold has gone away, my house stayed warm even after I let the fire die. I wanted to post a first day of spring picture, but didn't manage to take one. I saw some beautiful trees in blossom while driving through Salem this afternoon, but couldn't quite bring myself pull over long enough to park and snap a picture, there were too many other important tasks to accomplish. I needed to stay focused.

So focused I stayed and a very successful trip to town we had. Some cute spring clothes, shoes, and sweaters were found, a few birthday gifts purchased, and some fabric for the seamstress in our midst to play with over spring break. Everything happily accomplished in the few short hours we had to work with.

Now we've settled into another evening with friends. But tonight we have both big friends and little friends, everybody is happy. Tummies are full of homemade peperoni pizza. Big kids are enjoying a bonfire. Little people are off in a world of their own. And I'm catching my breath at the end of a busy spring day.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Winter's End

"It was the time of year when winter seemed almost done, but spring had not yet quite shown its face. Snowdrops and the catkins of alder are all very well, and certainly signal the stirring of something or other, but what animals like the Rat and the Mole really want to see and feel is bright warm sunshine on the budding branches, and what they yearn to hear and smell is the rushing song of the smaller birds busy about their broods, and the first balmy scents of the bluebells through the wood, and the violet on the banks.
Then, too, both knew full well that winter was quite capable of asserting itself again, and bringing upon them all its cold and rain, winds and hail, as if to say, 'I'm soon going for quite a time, but this is just to remind you that one day I shall be back.'"

"The Willows in Winter" by William Horwood

Friday, March 13, 2009

Catching A Breath

The stolen moments alone are few and far between in our busy lives. Work stresses and busy schedules keep our heads spinning. But every once in while we snag the chance to get away, just the two of us. And a wonderfully refreshing time is shared.

Thanks Mom and Dad for the use of your VI place in Newport! And thanks Bethany for holding down the fort in our absence....knowing you were there made it possible for me to relax!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

For You, Adrielle, My Personal Fan Club

Is it really February? And the end of February at that, only 2 days remaining until I'll flip the calendar page. Surely spring will make it's entrance then, just maybe....if I wish with all my heart.

I think I've been caught in a time warp. I putter around the house composing blogposts in my mind yet somehow they never seem to make it onto this screen. Surely in this house of 8 (plus company) there must be plenty happening to share with you. But you see, that's just it, there's always something happening and when do I sit and put it all down?

Let me see if I can recap the past two months of this Learning Life adequately. My days have been full of schooling, full of reading wonderful books to wonderful children, full of encouragement for weary college girls, full of sharing our home with delightful college friends, full of Wednesday evenings spent with 5th & 6th grade AWANA girls, and full of love for my family.

That about sums up my days....they are abundantly full and overflowing.