Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Quiet Zone

Here I sit, all alone at my counter. Cameron is away on his senior retreat, Elaina and Faerynn are visiting much loved cousins in Washington, Shannon, Allison, and Bethany are all off to work, and Daniel and Chesterton are both still sleeping.

This house is sooooo still, just John Tesh on Pure Hymns keeping me company. It's a small glimpse into the days ahead. The days after the next three in line graduate. And I wonder what I'll do with my days then?

Yesterday I decided to take the afternoon off to do whatever I wanted. It was a loooonnng afternoon. I read a little, slept a little, watched a movie with Daniel, started a card game....then Allison and Ann-Marie arrived and we went to a riverside park in Salem for a leisurely walk. Guess what? I much prefer the busy days of caring for my family. I like the rhythm of my days.

Today I'll set to work trying to establish a new routine for the summer. I'll figure out when I'm going to do all those things I've been saying can wait until school was finished. I'll restore order after a busy few days of party and company. And I'll enjoy the quiet while I work.


Adrielle said...

Sounds relaxing and kinda sad... glad you have years before your nest is empty!

Jenny Arnez said...

I miss you, Lori. It was so good to see your girls here this last weekend. I wish I could have spent more time with them. My daughters really had a wonderful time. Emily kept asking to see them again. =)

love you,