Sunday, June 07, 2009

Graduation Letter

Dear Cameron,

We've had a great journey together. A journey of learning, loving, and doing and you've traversed all of these well.

It's been a my great pleasure to watch you mature and persevere. You've pushed through to the completion of your Eagle Scout rank. You're leadership skills have grown through your involvement in the youth group worship team. And you've managed your school, job, and time with friends to the fullest.

I'm excited for you future! You've chosen a challenging path but I know that you are fully capable of accomplishing all that you set out to do. Never forget that you don't travel this road alone or in your own strength. You have a Savior greater than anything you will ever face.

All my love,

1 comment:

Adrielle said...

If the little fuzzy headed baby that I met 18 years ago as of June 29th is grown up and graduated then I guess someday Alyce will too... kinda hard to imagine but I will be proud of her and excited for her when the day comes! What is Cameron going on to study?