Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Silver Falls

Finding opportunities that our whole family is available to spend out together are becoming increasingly rare. In fact, in the course of this summer I think we will only all be home for about two weeks! But I'm beginning to realize that that doesn't mean those of us that are at home shouldn't find some stolen moments to enjoy time spent in our beautiful Oregon countryside.


Adrielle said...

Beautiful! Your new title picture is really pretty too! I remember Mama having to come to the same conclusion you came too and it is a big change, not having everyone together for a family outing.
I am so excited to see you in just over a week!!!!!!

Thankfulmom said...

I am coming to the same realization. We tend to wait for the big kids to be here to do special things, which means the little ones are missing out. We're trying to reform our ways and be thankful for anybody who is home.