Sunday, September 03, 2006

Living Life One Day at a Time

It's been the sort of week that has threatened to sink my ship. Situations that build up and hem me in until I feel there is no way I can possibly handle another wrench in my plan. I start looking at my calendar and thinking "I can't". Sometimes I look to far. I need to take things day by day, resting in the knowledge that "I don't have to"!

When things didn't go as planned or when my husband walked in the door with a broken arm, I wasn't alone and I only needed to manage a moment in my day....not the next 364 days.

I'm clinging to a promise this week. 2 Cor. 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." I know I'm weak, but He is strong! He is greater than this moment, greater than all I need to do this week, greater than any plan I have for the future. He is sufficient to meet any need.


Lori said...

Thanks, Susan. We are so thankful for the prayer warriors in our lives! I'll update you after he sees the orthopedic surgeon this week.

Thankfulmom said...

Sometimes I have to repeat that verse over and over to myself. Life is so full and it can be overwhelming, I think of Elisabeth Elliot who says, "Just do the next thing".

Happy Birthday, Lori!