Friday, May 25, 2007

Babes In The Woods

Ladybird and Moonchild have discovered some hidden treasures.
They've been diligently watching a nest full of eggs and
yesterday were rewarded with this find.

Then today they found this nest with more
little ones that they've dubbed the "tween-agers".
We are loving country living and all the delights that come with it!

The Finished Product

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Clan Q and Clan G Happenings

Clan Q is continuing to blossom this year......the cousin count on the rise once again.

This week my brother is in Ethiopia picking up his newest daughter. Please be praying for their safe journey back to their family at the end of the week.

And both my nieces are expecting little ones in December. Remember that post back in January of my great-niece? Well, she's going to be a big sister....just 11 months apart.

In Clan G a new little cousin will be arriving sometime in July.

Guess I'll need to be redoing that cousin tally!!!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Misty Morning

This is what I fell in love with when we first looked at this piece of property and is what I look upon when waking each morning. Serenity... a very good way to start each day. This morning a doe was grazing peacefully outside my bedroom window.

My Moonchild is in heaven, she is outside every minute possible. She exclaimed the other evening, "Every day I discover something new! A nest with a new egg each day. A frog. A snake. Wildflowers." She has plans for starting a nature journal, just like "The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady".

We've finished bringing belongings over from the rental house, it's clean and ready for the keys to be turned in tomorrow. Now we can feel officially moved. There is still a mountain of unpacking to do. But not today. I'm going to enjoy Mother's Day in my new home.

Monday, May 07, 2007

We're Home

Home is a beautiful place to be. It feels so good to say that!

It doesn't matter that the beds aren't on frames and the kitchen boxes are scattered throughout the garage, we're here. And we are waking to the most incredible view possible. I took a lovely picture of the mist rolling through the valley below us that I want to share with you...but I don't know where the cord for my camera is. As soon as it's found I'll do that.

For now, I should head back to the garage and find some kitchen boxes to unload. I'd really like to make dinner tonight. I have to food, just no pans or untensils.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Just 4 More Sleeps!

We're counting down the few remaining days until we move home. What a long road this has been. From putting our previous home on the market in August of 2005, to packing and moving in December of the same year, living in a hotel for ten weeks, moving into our rental, building a house, and now we can really settle in.

All the inspections have passed. All the paper work has been signed. I even went over Sunday and put a few token books on the new shelves. That made my day. My husband says I'm nesting.

It's been a good transition, though not an easy one, a time to learn and grow . We've found our church home. The people here have been added to those we call family. They're coming to help us move on Saturday and we'll top off the day with a Cinco de Mayo feast in our new home. The friends are even providing the food. Maybe they'll help us set up beds before leaving so we can sleep and get to church bright and early Sunday morning.

If you don't hear from me for awhile you'll know where to find me, hidden behind a stack of boxes!