Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Praise for Powell's City of Books

The topic of choice for family blogging appears to be our trip to this wonderland and I wouldn't want to leave my own gushing gone unspoken!

My first thoughts upon entering this glorious book land were a bit overwhelming, maybe awstruck. How does one find ones way around such a managerie of books? Not to mention how does one afford all that one suddenly "needs" to possess? Might I offer a bit of advice to the future Powell's shopper? Come with a specific list and specific amount you are willing to spend!!!!

I was actually what my son referred to as a very responsible book shopper. I can pat myself on the back I suppose. I purchased my annual "marked down in January calendar"....with folk artwork by Linda Nelson Stock, my calendar of choice for the past 3 years, and a small planner for my purse. I browsed several items in the Christian fiction and decided to keep borrowing that genre from the library. Then found my way to the children's literature...oh my, that's where my will power breaks down. I can much more easily rationalize spending money in this department...it's for my children. We need a wonderful new read to kick off the year. In fact, we need several new reads to get us going!

So into my hand basket went the following:
Alphabet of Dreams by Susan Fletcher ( her previous book, Shadow Spinner, is a family favorite)
Nanny McPhee: The Collected Tales of Nurse Matilda by Christianna Brand ( to make me feel good about my large well-behaved family)
The Boy's King Arthur edited by Sydeny Lanier and illustrated by N.C. Wyeth
David Balfour by Robert Louis Stevenson and also illustrated by N.C Wyeth

We began Alphabet of Dreams this morning and Susan Fletcher has not disappointed us!

Now back to school I must go.

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