Monday, October 23, 2006

Ready for round two!

It is with great pride that I announce that Lavender Girl received her "Official Acceptance Letter" to our favortie home-town university over the weekend! She plans to study music and ..... her minor is yet to be decided.

The idea of four more years of study ahead is a bit daunting to her at the moment. I understand, she is a homemaker through and through, just like her Mama. But I know that she too will grow and thrive in this new environment, just like her big sister is doing.

Way to go, my sweet Lavender Girl! You are destined fill our hearts with beautiful music.


Di said...

Congratulations to dear Lavender Girl!!!!


Thankfulmom said...

Congratulations! We look forward to seeing you soon.

darci said...

HI there, just a newbie to your blog..found through lisa at thankful mom. I just sat and read your ENTIRE blog and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it and what a blessing it was to me. I am at the very beginning of this homeschooling journey, and it is SO encouraging to me to read of other's journeys on this path. I was so blessed by the pictures and posts of your family..the closeness and friendship that is evident is, for us, a large part of the 'why' we homeschool. I so enjoyed the pictures and poems as well. I grew up in Oregon (Rockaway Beach!) . I now live in cold Saskatchewan, where we see the northern lights regularly through the winter. :)
Congratulations to your beautiful daughter. Darci :)

Lori said...

Thanks, Darci! I recognized your name from comments left on Lisa's blog. I'm Lisa's sister-in-law.
Enjoy your homeschool journey. The good days outweigh the bad!!!!
Sure wish I could see those Northern Lights :-)