Monday, August 14, 2006

A Whirlwind of Days

I've been caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life ever since returning from our vacation days in Idaho. And there isn't much sign of the busy-ness letting up for a few more weeks yet. But they've been productive days, days that speak of order and routine returning to our lives after the varied rhythm of our summer days.

The first week of August was spent partially playing catch-up and partially in preparation for our new school year. I had MANY months of bank statements etc. hollering to be attended to and bedrooms needing to be dug out from under choas. Last year's school books needed to swapped out with the new. Binders needed to be organized with our new schedules.

Then the weekend arrived with a flurry of events. Friday night we very hurriedly and, sadly to say, not very ceremoniously celebrated Shannon's birthday. (Can we rewind and do it right?) Saturday morning, bright and early, 4 of us were up and out the door by 6:15 a.m. driving to the city for writing workshops and school testing. I brought Ladybird and Jabberwocky back home, went out for a quick look at the house progress, quickly threw together what I would need for my overnight with Autumn Rain, and headed back to the city.

Autumn rain and I had a wonderful weekend getaway. She was recognized at the Willamette Valley Writer's convention for winning the Kate Herzog scholarship and spent hours and hours soaking up the writing life at various seminars throughout the weekend. I, on the other hand, collapsed. I read, soaked in the tub, painted my nails and made another coveted trip to Trader Joe's. She filled the 1 1/2 drive home Sunday with the many new ideas spinning round in her head.

Monday brought one last day to clean up and prepare for the beginning of school. Tuesday was the grand kick off day, minus my Autumn Rain. Actually she's been here, just not studying with us. Everyone seems happy to have their books back in hand and their days filled with learning once again.

Now the weekend has come 'round once again and was packed with fun, exciting, new experiences! We shared the weekend camping with folks from our new church...and they have fun toys. Jet boats, wake boards, knee boards, biscuits...perfect fun for my growing kids and something more my pace, a sailboat. Of course, we've come home with a terrible case of the "I wants", but we'll just have to deal with that.

Today I'll restore order, again, and prepare my mind, again, for a few more days of school before next weeked's round of events. What's coming up? My guys are off for a long weekend of rafting with their scout troop on the Rogue River, the little girls and I will head north to spend some time with cousins, and alas my big girls will be busily working and saving for college expenses. It's hard growing up!