Monday, June 23, 2008


It's been a tad bit over a week now since we shelved our school things and entered summer mode.

My parents visited for a nice long weekend and then drove off to Idaho with my younger son, who will be with them for nearly a month. He's busily helping Grandpa fix up the Quall's nest in anticipation of our big family gathering in July.

This week we are immersed in VBS activities. Techno-Son is providing some drama in the form of "Dr. Jones" the paleontologist during the opening exercises. Ladybird is lending her crafty hands to the art department. I'm manning a registration table. And Moonchild is traveling through the rainforest of the Amazon and learning about the wonderful world our mighty God has created.

It was a bit hectic getting out the door this first morning. Yesterday I had neglected to make the meals I intended to bring for two of our VBS leaders (one has had a child in the hospital all weekend with pneumonia), so I needed to pull those together before heading out the door at 8:45 this morning! But we arrived in time, or close enough, and now I've also got my own dinner prepared and waiting in the fridge. Tomorrow should be smoother.

I am keeping expectations low for this week. Between VBS and regular chores (meals, laundry, tidying up) I don't anticipate getting much else done. The rest of my summer list can be put on hold until next week.

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