Monday, June 02, 2008

Counting Down

There are three significant events that I'm counting down the weeks until:
  1. We only have two weeks left of school until summer vacation and also a visit from my parents, both very good things to anticipate!
  2. In 5 weeks and 4 days our Autumn Rain will return to our arms!!!!!!!
  3. And the much coveted trip to "Cousin Camp" at the Qualls' Nest is only 8 weeks away.
I'm looking forward to the breathing room in our days. Time to enjoy friends as well as time to conquer a few tasks that have been on hold around the house.


Thankfulmom said...

Summer is wonderful, even if the weather is cold! We are looking forward to seeing you at family reunion - wish it could be sooner.


Grab-a-cup! said...

what a great load of photos - you all look like life is treating you all well! Great to catch up with you here and on Facebook... I wish I had time to talk online too, but things are too crazy at the moment!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that the school books are put away and summer plans are in full swing now?

I'll be doing the same June 26th. I'll still be taking some classes but a much lighter load.

You all are in my thoughts and prayers - especially when I'm drinking a cup of tea.