Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008


It's been a tad bit over a week now since we shelved our school things and entered summer mode.

My parents visited for a nice long weekend and then drove off to Idaho with my younger son, who will be with them for nearly a month. He's busily helping Grandpa fix up the Quall's nest in anticipation of our big family gathering in July.

This week we are immersed in VBS activities. Techno-Son is providing some drama in the form of "Dr. Jones" the paleontologist during the opening exercises. Ladybird is lending her crafty hands to the art department. I'm manning a registration table. And Moonchild is traveling through the rainforest of the Amazon and learning about the wonderful world our mighty God has created.

It was a bit hectic getting out the door this first morning. Yesterday I had neglected to make the meals I intended to bring for two of our VBS leaders (one has had a child in the hospital all weekend with pneumonia), so I needed to pull those together before heading out the door at 8:45 this morning! But we arrived in time, or close enough, and now I've also got my own dinner prepared and waiting in the fridge. Tomorrow should be smoother.

I am keeping expectations low for this week. Between VBS and regular chores (meals, laundry, tidying up) I don't anticipate getting much else done. The rest of my summer list can be put on hold until next week.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Counting Down

There are three significant events that I'm counting down the weeks until:
  1. We only have two weeks left of school until summer vacation and also a visit from my parents, both very good things to anticipate!
  2. In 5 weeks and 4 days our Autumn Rain will return to our arms!!!!!!!
  3. And the much coveted trip to "Cousin Camp" at the Qualls' Nest is only 8 weeks away.
I'm looking forward to the breathing room in our days. Time to enjoy friends as well as time to conquer a few tasks that have been on hold around the house.