Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Words To Hold Fast

Galatians 6:9
"And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

This spring is causing growth in my life. Some growth is uncomfortable while other aspects are downright painful.

On one hand I'm needing to let go as my children grow up and discover their independence. Whether it's heading off to study in Germany or spending long days at our local campus, I have to take my hands off and know they are safely in the Father's hands, a much safer place to be! But on the other hand there is the need to rein in and corral the one who is wanting more freedom than his maturity level grants.

It's a weary struggle, both letting go and holding fast, but it is the "doing good" that I need to do in this season of my life.


Adrielle said...

Alyce is a chubby 4 month old sitting on my lap with eyes only for her Mommy and Daddy and all ready I am scaird! I will pray for you now and by the time my turn comes you will be through it all and be able to advise me! :) Love you! Adrielle

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is a delicate and wearying battle between letting go and holding fast. I'll also be praying for you. :-)

And I did need to hear about the "doing good part." There will be a reward to not forsaking the good. Isn't God cool like that?

He could've said, "Do good because it's the right thing?" And left it at that.

Have a blessed morning with your coffee.

PS How cool that you got to talk with Autumn Rain via Skype. :-)

Di said...

Yep...right there with you, my friend.
