Monday, May 01, 2006

Making The Heart At Home

Hanging at the head of my bed is a beautiful heart ornament I received from a precious friend this past winter. As I look at it each day a simple refrain from a Madeleine video keeps flitting through my mind, "Home is where the heart is, the heart is...if the heart is home." Herein lies a problem...where is my heart at home?

I've lived a lifetime of moving. Pieces of my heart are scattered around the US with my brothers and sisters, scattered around the world with my parents and the friends we've made in our traveling. One would think my heart would be fractured to bits. But it must be made something like a starfish- able to regenerate the loss. The wonderful truth is this, there is no loss. Whenever I've given a piece of my heart away a piece has been knit back into it's place, to fill in that gap. It's the beauty of friendship in our lives.

Now as each week passes we are busy making our hearts at home in this new setting. Earlier this month we chose a church home and are working at getting to know the people God has for us here. My older children are attending a Youth Group full of wholesome young people sharing their lives with one another. We are resuming music lessons. Bit by bit the pieces of our lives are coming back together. Our hearts are making this home.