Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Surprised by Baby G

Life is full of twists and turns...full of surprises. And while Baby G is not an unwanted or unpleasant surprise, it is a very unexpected surprise. Having my 7th child at 44, thirteen years after my current youngest, was pretty far out there on my radar screen! Being 7 months pregnant at my daughter's wedding was the last thing I was dreaming of!!! But as my husband is so fond of saying, "It's all good!". Baby G is a good gift. God knows exactly what our family needs. I'm trusting Him for the stamina to see this through to the end.


Jenny Arnez said...

I love you much,my friend. It is all good!

Lori said...

Thanks, Jenny. I miss you! Wish I was closer to all my friends who have seen me through so many babies!