Thursday, February 26, 2009

For You, Adrielle, My Personal Fan Club

Is it really February? And the end of February at that, only 2 days remaining until I'll flip the calendar page. Surely spring will make it's entrance then, just maybe....if I wish with all my heart.

I think I've been caught in a time warp. I putter around the house composing blogposts in my mind yet somehow they never seem to make it onto this screen. Surely in this house of 8 (plus company) there must be plenty happening to share with you. But you see, that's just it, there's always something happening and when do I sit and put it all down?

Let me see if I can recap the past two months of this Learning Life adequately. My days have been full of schooling, full of reading wonderful books to wonderful children, full of encouragement for weary college girls, full of sharing our home with delightful college friends, full of Wednesday evenings spent with 5th & 6th grade AWANA girls, and full of love for my family.

That about sums up my days....they are abundantly full and overflowing.