Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Favorite Place, Elkhorn

For the past few years, just after Christmas we've packed up and secluded ourselves in a lovely cabin in the mountains. From the warmth of the living room we've admired the surrounding scenery...the river running through the valley, the mountains, and sometimes snow. For my birthday we loaded up the cars again, this time to enjoy the surroundings in the summer warmth. We enjoyed some hiking (a bit more than I was anticipating) and savored time to soak up the sun by the river. We read our books, snacked and snacked and snacked some more, watched our movies, and lamented that we had forgotten Settlers of Catan and Carcasonne at home. All in all, it was a perfect end to our summer.


Val in the Rose Garden said...

That sounds lovely. So glad you had a good time. :)


Anonymous said...

Great pics. Really makes me wish I was there too.

You are in my prayers today. :-) Just wanted to let you know to LOOK for God's visible hand of blessing today.