Saturday, July 12, 2008

Full House, Happy Heart!

Last night we gathered our traveling kiddos back into our arms again! The Autumn Rain arrived first.....after a long 24hrs of traveling. Then the Jabberwocky after a quick commuter jaunt from ID. Many hugs and the happy chatter of our whole family together again after 15 weeks apart made this mama's heart very happy.

Today I've followed my kids around the house. Catching up on all they've been doing. Watching them settle back into our home. We've sipped coffee together and listened to favorite music and eaten a beautiful cake that Lavender Girl concocted for the occasion. I put the leaf back into the table, rounded up all eight chairs, and we gathered for a delightful evening meal together.

For tomorrow, we've made arrangements for substitute nursery workers for Lavender Girl and I so that we can all sit together for Sunday morning worship once again. The missing pieces of my heart have returned....all is well.

1 comment:

Adrielle said...

So wonderful! I have always liked going off on adventures be it around town or around the world but there's nothing quite like coming home! Especially to a home full of love and welcome! I am getting very excited about my homecoming visit in a few weeks!!!!!