Monday, February 18, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Regarding Organization I don't feel like I've made much organizational progress so far this week, but then again it's only Wednesday morning and there is still time, please tell me there is still time.

*Scheduled physicals for my boys so they don't get kicked out of their scout troop (the form is now about 6 months overdue!).

*Unpacked my scrapbook supplies and put them away in my new handy dandy bag (I bought it for my mom for Christmas, but it didn't arrive before she left and she bought herself one, so now it's mine). I'm afraid the scrapbooking itself will have to wait until summer.

*Cleared off my desk, so that I can file away all the papers cluttering my kitchen counter.

To Do:
*File the papers on the kitchen counter!

*Grade and record many weeks worth of school work.

*Sort through boxes that are taking up my parking spot in the garage.

*Do a thorough house cleaning before the weekend.

That list looks a bit daunting at the moment.....we'll see what happens.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Psalm 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim
the work of His hands.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


The week has been a grey and gloomy one, externally as well as internally. I've been cold and I've been fighting the blues. Sometimes these winter months just get to me!

But today has been a gift. The sun has peeked out and the mountain is visible in all it's splendor. And I have a respite plan ready to place in action come Monday morning....half days of school with the remaining school hours set aside for organizational tasks that will hopefully make for smoother sailing during the remaining winter weeks.

A little sunshine, a little that too much to ask?