Sunday, April 22, 2007

Finishing Touches

Just a week and some final touch ups away! We go out to check on the progress and I hate to leave. I can't wait to be home. We sign off with the builder a week from tomorrow and officially move May 5th.

Here's a sneak preview!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Musings

It's a bright, sunny Friday and that is glorious news. I was in sore need of a sunny day, regardless of how much I enjoy the rain. There's nothing like sunshine to lift me out of a gloomy outlook.

Of course, good news help too. News like....."I talked to the builder. He said he's scheduled the inspections and will be ready to sign off on the house next Friday." Now that does wonders to lift the gloom! I had begun to wonder if this building project would ever end. And now the end is in sight. We really are going to move into our new house. Maybe in April yet!

Other thoughts running through my head this Friday?

My Autumn Rain is heading off to a new adventure in a few minutes. I won't see her before she leaves as she's leaving straight from campus. She's off to present her philosophy paper at a conference. My girl who's never even prepared and given a speech. She's nervous...I'm nervous. But mine is for a different reason, I have no doubt she can present her paper with flying colors. I'm sending my daughter off with strangers, her professor and two other students attending the conference. A lone girl with these three! What were we thinking. I'm sure they are all honorable gentlemen, right? Father, protect my girl.

And my thoughts are on the next in line too. We're off to the park soon to have her senior pictures taken. One more graduation coming up. Another girl heading off to school. One less student in my little school. She has adventures ahead of her as well. We'll add new forms of conversation to our dinner table. To philosophy we'll add music theory! We'll all be so well rounded when we've finished and I'll have the college experience vicariously.

So, you see, there are many thoughts rumbling through my mind this fine Friday afternoon.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Jabberwocky With Style

I have to admit, this is one skill I never anticipated acquiring in my "Learning Life"...the creating of a mohawk on my son's head! But for one day, April Fool's Day, I can humor my Jabberwocky and let him enjoy the moment of triumph with his buddy. This afternoon, after his buddy says goodbye....the hair will depart too.



Groovy Dudes